Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Glimpse of Nicaragua - the Trip that Shattered my Life

You guys, my days are so full in this season of life.
But right now, I feel like my heart is even fuller.

Life isn't a piece of cake these days, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I want to catch all of you up on Nicaragua, but in this season of life,
the days run short and my thoughts run long.

But Nicaragua did change my life.
Completely and entirely.
My heart was shattered there, and I flew back to America feeling like my life was laying in a thousand pieces around me.  
Those days were not easy.
But they CHANGED MY LIFE in a way nothing else has ever before.  
Every aspect of life is different now, and I'm almost certain that's just how God planned it to be.  
I'll get into all the in's and out's of the trip someday, but for now,
watch this video.
This video chronicles the highlights of the trip that changed me forever.

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March