Wednesday, June 25, 2014

At the Playground

We're at the beach!
Every year we come with my Dad's side of the family to the beach for a week.
We've been having a blast!
We've made a movie, we've been in the pool, we've been at the beach, and we've just had fun hanging out.
Monday night we went to a little playground for a while.
There was a tire swing there, and those of us that went played on it pretty much the entire time.

As you can tell, Bethany LOVED it!  More to come later!

Friday, June 20, 2014

King's Dominion

We've been busy! 
 Tomorrow is the first official day of Summer,
but it feels like its been summer for a while.
We've been living it up!
A could of weeks ago, (yes, I'm behind on blogging)
we went to King's Dominion for the day. 
It was so much fun, and we all had a blast.
It was Kaden and Bethany's first time, and it was great to see how excited they were about everything.
David, Brandon and I decided to be brave and go on the "big" rides.
I have to admit being nervous at first,
but I actually loved them!
We went on rides that went upside down for the first time, and found out that they really are a lot less scary then we thought.
David and I also went on the Drop Tower for the first time!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bethany Quote 4

One day after lunch, Brandon was sitting on the back of a chair - a place that wasn't meant for sitting. 
"Mommy, look!" Bethany said, pointing.
"I see," Mom said, "Brandon's sitting on the back of the chair, just like he's not supposed to."
Bethany ran to the chair and climbed up.
"Mommy!" she said, "me too!"

Friday, June 6, 2014

I'm learning

I have learned many things by being a big sister. 
I've learned how to hold, feed, change, rock and play with a baby.
I've learned that it is sometimes better to be silly then serious, or vise versa.
I have learned that I need to always think before I speak if what I'm about to say is questionable.
One thing it has taken me a long time to learn, however, is that I need to lock the bathroom door unless I want unexpected visitors. 
One day Bethany walked in.
"Close the door, please, Bethany."  I asked. 
the response? an unhesitating and firm, "NO!"
the second time it was Kaden.
"Kaden, close the door."
his response?  "Why?"
Well that's the life of a big sister!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kaden, part of God's family too...

Kaden has been acting crazy all day.
We picked him up from his Montessori school, (it's his 4th day) with my grandmother
and at the time I thought he was putting on a show for her.
At home he was acting out (not obeying, teasing Bethany, etc.) and talking nonsense.
He asked questions that he knew the answers to and kept talking about super heroes in a silly way.
We finally got him up to his bed to take rest, but he didn't stay up there long.
When he came back down he was still acting silly (now my aunt Cathy was here as well as my grandma) but not as out of control as before.
When they left he started asking questions.
He kept asking about the battle Christians would fight when Jesus comes back.
He asked if I was a Christian and kept talking about "the place with all the fire," saying that he didn't want to go there over and over again.
My mom explained that he didn't have to go to hell if he became a Christian.
After a lot of talking about it he decided to pray.
I know he doesn't completely understand everything,
but he knows enough to comprehend the salvation, and I think sincerely wants to please God. 
We've been praying for Kaden for a long time,
daily asking that God to show Himself to him.
It was amazing to see the process of Kaden thinking about God and wanting to live for him. 
It reminds me that God really does listen to our prayers, and will always answer them.
Congratulations, Kaden!
We love you.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Kaden Quote 16

"Mom," Kaden asked, "Can I have some more milk?"
"You have to drink it if I get you some," she answered.  "Last time you asked for milk I had the throw it out because you didn't drink it."
"Mom," Kaden said surprised, "You throwed it on the floor!?"
#Life with Kaden rocks!

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March