Kaden has been acting crazy all day.
We picked him up from his Montessori school, (it's his 4th day) with my grandmother
and at the time I thought he was putting on a show for her.
At home he was acting out (not obeying, teasing Bethany, etc.) and talking nonsense.
He asked questions that he knew the answers to and kept talking about super heroes in a silly way.
We finally got him up to his bed to take rest, but he didn't stay up there long.
When he came back down he was still acting silly (now my aunt Cathy was here as well as my grandma) but not as out of control as before.
When they left he started asking questions.
He kept asking about the battle Christians would fight when Jesus comes back.
He asked if I was a Christian and kept talking about "the place with all the fire," saying that he didn't want to go there over and over again.
My mom explained that he didn't have to go to hell if he became a Christian.
After a lot of talking about it he decided to pray.
I know he doesn't completely understand everything,
but he knows enough to comprehend the salvation, and I think sincerely wants to please God.
We've been praying for Kaden for a long time,
daily asking that God to show Himself to him.
It was amazing to see the process of Kaden thinking about God and wanting to live for him.
It reminds me that God really does listen to our prayers, and will always answer them.
Congratulations, Kaden!
We love you.