Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Growing Up

My heart is overwhelmed with gratefulness today.
So much has happened in my life. 
The truth is that God has happened! 
No longer am I the sick, searching little girl I used to be.
I am now becoming the fulfilled encourager, the hope-bringer, and the Christ following woman who I was created be.
For as long as I can remember, I  never wanted to grow up.
I wanted to stay an innocent little child,
 always able to hide behind my parents when I was uncertain or shy.
I never wanted the adult, grown-up body because I was so scared of what that would bring.
I didn't want to a separate person from my parents.
And, in all honesty, I didn't know who that person was.
I completely trusted my mom and dad, but could I trust me? 
Could I do it on my own?
The answer is no.
No, I cannot trust me.
No, I cannot do it on my own.
But God.
I am now no longer trying to do it on my own, and I am no longer trying to figure out who I am.
I know who God is, and I have personally experienced his healing power.
Because I know who God is, I now know who I am.
I understand myself through him, and I am learning how I fit into his picture.
Now I can trust God.
And I can do life through him. 
On my own, no way!
With God? totally. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Kaden and Bethany Quotes (#24-25 and #9)

I thought I'd lighten up my writing a bit by throwing in some cute Bethany and Kaden quotes. 

In the car one day,
 Kaden was talking on and on about how much he wanted to buy baby clothes for himself.
 As hard as we tried to explain that there simply were not baby-style clothes made for a nearly 6 year old boy, he would not be stopped.
"We can buy yots of clothes!" he said,
"Mommy fings, and baby fings for me.  I'll buy a crib and a swing... and diapers!"
(Kaden adores baby diapers)
"We can look on the computer when we get home!
Right Mom?"
 By this time most of us were tuning him out; still he continued:
"Right, Dad?"
"Right Defany?"
"Right Brittany?"
"Right...?" and with a big sigh: "Oh well."
Tonight after dinner, Bethany found a lady bug, and was enjoying showing it to everyone. 
She showed it to Brandon, Whitey (our dog), me, and my mom.
When Mom said it, she smiled and said, 
"Aw, he's a-dori-ble!"
"Yes!" Bethany agreeded, "him is a-dori-ble!"

My mom and I were working on my history for the week.
It was rough, because I hadn't reviewed the material since Christmas break started, and didn't really remember any of it.
I thrive on writing intensive work, not just reading and answering question. 
I tried to explain that the text book I was using just wasn't working for me.
"This isn't how I'm wired, Mom," I said, "I just cant learn like this."
Then, from across the room, I hear Kaden yell,
"Sure you can, Brittany!  Sure you can!"

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March