Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Save Her Life

Sweet friends, as soon as I heard about "M" I knew I had to share this with you.
I just can't stop thinking about her, and that's a good thing because I'm reminded to pray for her.
"M" is 15 years old who has lost both of her parents and 
has a serious heart condition which requires a transplant.
She must be adopted in order to be put on the transplant list.
Friends, this is our calling!
We are all called to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.
I may be only 15 years old and advocating for girl my own age, but I know that this is my calling too!
With Christ all things- as in everything - is possible, and I know that "M" will find a family and regain her health because our God is in control. 
Please, pray for "M".
Join me in storming heaven's gates on her behalf. 
This sweet girl can change the world for the better, but we have to give her the chance.
Speak out for "M".
Share this and let's change the world for her. 
M is the girl in the purple shirt to the right.
Because with God, ALL things are possible!

For more information email

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Numbering the Days ~ 1 March