"So how are you, Brittany?" I'm asked.
"I'm great!" I respond, "a little tired because I've been so busy, but busy is great!"
You see, I'm a doer.
My day consists of being productive (aka working, creating, serving) eating and sleeping.
I simply love to do.
I'm happiest when I'm very busy "accomplishing" things.
Busy is always best, am I right?!
I sure thought so, but man was I wrong.
This past year has been a year of discovery for me, and the discoveries continue.
Let me back up...
There was a time where business was a form of survival. Thankfully, that time has passed (hallelujah!).
But that time damaged me.
I subconsciously trained myself to be busy with the strictness of a drill sergeant. I found meaning in being productive, and I found life purpose in doing.
Danger alert! Danger alert!
Hold everything and back up, this just isn't right. It's obvious now, but at the time I wasn't even aware of the danger.
A year and a half of constant business passed.
During this time, I reprogramed by brain in the area of production. I got to the point where I despised activities that I believed had no purpose.
Reading is an example. I used to love to read. I would read all the time. Some of my favorite memories are of me sitting in bed in the wee hours of the morning transported to another world through the magic of books.
But what did that accomplish? I would later think. That was utterly pointless. I have wasted hours of my day sitting here doing absolutely nothing.
So gradually I stopped reading.
Sure, I did read some. School books, how-to books, and devotionals made up my literary diet. All imagination erased in pure productivity.
How disgustingly bland.
Reading is an example, but productivity dominated every part of my day.
So much so that it began to destroy me.
2 months ago when we went on a family trip to Florida, I became horribly depressed. ON VACATION.
I was miserable because I had to relax and I couldn't always do.
I felt like I wasn't able to fulfill my purpose in life, I wasn't able to encourage others and I was miserable. Again, this was while I was on vacation. yuck.
And then I got super scared, thinking,
"If I'm ever blessed with a really good friend (and I am now, this was back a little ways) how will I ever be able to maintain the friendship?
I despised the thought of just "hanging out", and that's what friends do.
It takes so much time of doing and just being to get to get to know someone well.
How will I ever be able to do that?"
I was scared silly.
There was the motivation, I had the willingness, so what was the plan?
I tried to figure it all out. So what are the steps? Alphabetical order, please.
That's when my mom and I had a conversation about it.
"Back when everything was perfect," she said, "God didn't require Adam and Eve to work in the Garden. He wanted them to enjoy. He wanted them to enjoy walking with Him in the garden and simply enjoying his presence."
And that's when I clicked for me.
Above all else, I want to glorify God. I nearly always have. That is my purpose in life, that's the reason why I'm living and why he's kept me alive.
If He wants me to be still and simply walk with him, I WANT to.
Then God showed me why he wanted me to just be still and enjoy.
I saw God, perfect and holy, pleased with his creation.
He had worked to create this for us. And for me.
He wants me to look around and enjoy it, literally taking the time to stop and smell the roses.
Because that glorifies God.
That makes Him happy.
There I was, flying through life "accomplishing" things.
And there He was, wanting me to stop and enjoy Him and what he made for me.
And now I am going on vacation again.
I am going to enjoy living.
I am going there with willingness to stop and walk with God, willingness to be still, listen and enjoy my Father.
Yes, I will do.
I will do things that I love to do, but I am doing them because I love to do them and not to "accomplish" things.
I go to sacrifice my will to God by relaxing and enjoying.
And I have a feeling that its going to be pretty darn nice. :)
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