Wednesday, May 25, 2016

So Close

  The hump is finally, finally over, and now I wait out these last few days in a surreal excitement that makes my heart flutter and keeps me awake at night in daydreams. 
Go-time is seriously so close and my excitement levels are sky-high.  
I can't wait to see what God will do in these five weeks.
I've had incredible support here on the home front, and I'm so grateful for it.
This past Sunday my church prayed over me, and next day the drama team from school did the same.
I'm so thankful for the body of Christ that has come around me in support and encouragement - what a blessing you all are!  

God has been drilling into me the importance of counting the cost of following Him, of understanding what it means before committing to it.
Our God doesn't want half-hearted followers, am I right? 
It makes me wonder what He's preparing me for, but I know that whatever it is, the will of God is good, acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).  
Trips like these are often full of questions, pain, and lack of understanding of why innocent children have to suffer the way that they do.
Even the thought of it breaks my heart, and I know that seeing it first-hand it will break me apart.
But I also know that my God is bigger, and he redeems.  
Whatever He will do, it is truly good, acceptable and perfect.
And now that it's almost go-time, lets go, and see what God will do.  

Time for the real thing, y'all! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

South Africa - 11 days

The countdown became serious as soon as 50 days until South Africa hit.
Now we are at 11.

Oh my goodness... 

I remember coping the days into my planner, beginning at about 90.  Counting down from 60, to 45, to 30, to 20 and so on.  It was a breeze at first - quick and easy. 
Then I hit 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, it became tedious, and dragged on and on.  In the back on my mind I was thinking, "I'll never make it.  There so much time."  
Time passed, and week four hit, then three, then two.

But there was still so much to do.  

Final exams, Jr/Sr, tests, soccer tournament, honors society zoo trip, etc., etc., etc.
But now, at 11 days left, most of that is over.  Exams have been exempted, tests have been taken, the soccer tournament is a thing of the past, the zoo trip is now memories and pictures... and now 12 days are left and reality has stuck.

South Africa 2k16, is almost here.  Really and truly, it is almost here.  
Wow, you guys, lets do this.
Departure in 11 days.

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March