God does amazing things. He is showing me so much of His power that it blows my mind.
Today I had a couple co-op classes that I go to on Mondays, my last class is photography.
Today we didn't have a lesson, but went outside to practice what we had learned
the past couple of weeks.
I use my dad's camera for this class, because it is a little nicer that the camera I usually use, and someone from his work had worked with the camera a few days before, and I hadn't messed with it since.
When I turned the camera on, something popped up saying the memory card
needed to be formatted, and it couldn't record, etc. The rest of the class was already out taking pictures, and I ran to my teacher and embarrassedly told her the memory card wasn't working, and asked if I could go in to get my spare. I ran inside and put in the other card. To make a long
story short, that memory card was also refusing to work.
I tryed to put the contents on my computer and erase it off the disk, but still it didnt work.
By this time I had been gone about half and hour, I ran back out the rest of the class. My teacher couldnt figure out what was wrong with the card either, and so I decided to give it up and
watch everyone else take pictures, but I was kind of bummed.
"You can make it work," I prayed, "I know you can. Please will you make the memory card work?"
I turned the camera on and the same message popped onto the screen - for 0.5 seconds. I didnt press any bottons, I did nothing, but the memory card started to work, and I was able to take pictures normally. The camera was working as if nothing had ever happened.
Sure, you could say it just happened to work, but no. I spent half and hour "trying to make it work" and it didn't. God showing me that He is bigger.
He has amazing power.
He can move mountains with faith the size of a mustard seed.
That's the God we serve.