My parents have set a routine at night,
so that the little ones know what to expect.
That works well for them,
but we've come to the realization that the older ones no longer know what to expect.
That means mom and dad get a lot of questions at night.
"Get we watch a movie?"
"Can we play chess online?"
"Can we have a snack?"
That quickly became a problem.
So a routine has been in the works for the bigger kids,
and has now been put into action.
This is the routine:
5:00pm Dad comes home and dinner is eaten
5:15pm David is taken to gymnastics and everyone hangs out until 7:30
7:30 the little ones start to prepare for bed and the older ones have a snack
8:15 David comes home and has a snack while the others do something quiet upstairs
9:00 bed time
This is the typical schedule, but we do switch it up.
On Friday nights the bigger kids can watch a movie before bed, and on
every other Tuesday we go bowling.
On the weeks we don't go, the older ones watch a movie.
Yesterday was bowling night,
and we also went to eat at a Mexican restaurant to take advantage of a special sale they had going on.
We had a blast!
As we were leaving the restaurant my mom noticed something.
Bethany felt wet.
Uh, oh! Yep, out little drinker girl had wet through her diaper again,
and we forgot a change of clothes!
Mom and dropped us off at the bowling alley and went home to change Bethany.
Kaden kept saying he wanted one taco. Only one, and that was all.
But we knew better. In the end, he had eaten three!
We did this last year, too!
Here are some pictures we took from last year.
See how much Kaden looks like a toddler in this picture?
It really is amazing what nutrition and a family can do!

Kaden now:
We had a blast bowling!
Do you have any special things you like to do with your family?
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