Saturday, October 4, 2014

2 Years Home!

This second year of Kaden and Bethany being home as absolutely flown by!
We've had a really great year with them, and have seen them both develop and grow,
both in character and physically.
I think back to this night 2 years ago.
We were all so excited for our parents to come home with "Kadi" and "Baby Jilma".
As excited as I was, I was lightly nervous and apprehensive. 
What would this be like?
Our life would be completely different now...
What would we do with them all day?
Would Mom and Dad have any time for us anymore?
I never asked these questions, even to myself, but they were subconsciously running through my mind.
Then they pulled into the driveway.
Slowly they got of the car.
As soon as I saw 5 month old Bethany - my baby sister - all my subconscious fears instantly vanished.
I held her for the first time a few seconds later, and I was in love.
This was my sister, my answered prayer, the one I had waited for years to love.
And Kaden....
Oh, the little toddler he was then.
It is absolutely crazy to look back at picture and videos and to see what an absolute baby he was then.
He has grown so much and has completely transformed. 
He has been such an amazing joy and blessing, even through the sometimes trying times.
We are so unspeakably thankful for the gifts we have been given through Kaden and Bethany.
We love them so very much and cannot imagine our lives without them. 
Our day was packed full of fun!
Kaden called a meeting and together we came up with a list of things to do to celebrate.
Amazingly, we've done everything on the list!

Our day began with a special breakfast, then a trip to the park to play and take pictures, with Subway for lunch.  Next we came home to play outside, make jello, have shrimp for dinner, and end our special day with looking at pictures and videos from Congo before playing Baby Kaden and going to bed.
One of my greatest treasures... enough said.
this year
Last year
Two years ago! 
We also made Jello!  Although it didn't turn out quite right, it was fun!
Jon got into it too!
Kaden and Bethany,
We love you SO. VERY. MUCH. 
You are amazing blessings in our lives, and we can't image our lives with out you.
We love you!


Evan said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY! My how you have grown!

Anonymous said...

love reading your blog :)

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March