Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Challenge and Triump

We love him, and we always will.
But that doesn't mean he's always easy.
2 years after coming home, I'd say Kaden's "honeymoon stage" has officially ended.
He is full of energy, full of potential, full of questions, and "whys?", armed and ready for arguments, and full of needs for explanations for everything...  Hence, my parents are exhausted. 
We don't know what's going on with our K.K.
Thankfully, though, we don't always need to know.  Challenging times will pass, and we'll become stronger because of them.
But even with our challenges, Kaden is pretty darn awesome.
Earlier this summer, we went with family to a race at the YMCA.
Everyone in the kid's racce took off and sprinted towards to finish.
Everyone but Kaden.
He's not one for rushing.  He likes to take his time and enjoy the journey.
He likes to have fun, he likes to go slow.
So he grinned and laughed and shouted his way down the road, and then...
He saw a little girl going very slowly.
So he turned to her and held her hand down as they walked the rest of the race together.
This sis was the proudest girl there that night.
So proud of my sweet brother, and so encouraged by glimpsing again the sweet heart he has.
We love out K.K., and we always will. 


1 comment:

Gamdy said...

He is a very lucky boy to have landed in your backyard!! You are all,helping him to understand things he doesn't completely get yet....and he is teaching you that we are all individuals with our very own quirks and issues, good and not so good....One day he will understand so many things better
And will be eternally grateful for the help he has gotten from his forever family who loved him at the start!!!

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March