The Catch Up
2019 was a full year, and I have no doubt many of you are echoing that back for yourselves! When I look back over those 365 days, 3 things personally stand out to me the most: during the first six months, Bulgaria truly became home to me. It went from being a place that I was pretty sure I really liked to the country that completely held my heart. July held the challenge of surrendering life there for the time to return to the States to study and become more equipped to do what God has put on my heart. After 6 months of quality catch-up time with family, lots of studying, and an internship at a crisis pregnancy center, I was given the wonderful, unexpected opportunity of returning to Bulgaria for several weeks and closing the year there (🙌🏻🇧🇬✈️).
Отново у дома в България {Home again in Bulgaria}

The days spent there were full of many wonderful reunions, quality time with dear friends, traveling through the country to visit ‘Bulgarian family’, an even a teens (plus a few grandmothers who didn't want to miss out of the fun!) New Year’s party. They were truly sweet days! |
A New Adventure - YWAM Heidebeek
Then, in what felt like the blink of an eye, it was once again time to leave Bulgaria, and this time to begin an entirely new adventure - a YWAM school in the Netherlands.

YWAM, standing for Youth with a Mission,( is an international organization that trains, empowers, connects, and sends out missionaries. I am taking their Children at Risk school which equips missionaries to work with babies, children, and teenagers from/in hard places. A few of the school's topics includes
o child development and attachment
o working with kids who have experienced abuse and trauma
o kids with special needs
o teenage identity/character / social programs
o understanding and working with children based on their personalities/ learning styles
o family structures and working with kids from broken families
o community development
o abortion
o trafficking
….and the list goes on!
Only 4 weeks into the school and I have already gained so much through the lectures and training and already feel so much more empowered and equipped. Beyond lectures, God is truly stepping into this time in my life personally, making Himself and His presence so very real and teaching, growing and stretching me in so many ways. I am really thrilled about all He has in store through these months!
Looking Ahead

Please pray that God will continue growing and teaching us in both our Children at Risk focus and more about Himself, and praise Him for how He's so greatly already answering this prayer!
Please pray that God will clearly point the way that He has for me following the outreach in South Africa, and praise Him that He does go ahead and before us and make our way straight.
Thank you! for your prayers and for joining me on this incredible journey of "stepping out upon the waters" in following God. What is God doing in your lives and circles so far this year? I always love hearing updates from you and being told how I can pray!
Blessings and hugs from Holland to you all!
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