Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Still in His Hands

One of the vital aspects of mission work, ministry - and life in general - is planning. We consider the vision God has given and how to work with Him toward it. Somewhere along the way, however, we learn that, despite our best planning, we are not the ones who decide the future.

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps" Proverbs 16:9, NLT

project planning, presentations, and other lectures 

Last Friday (still at the Children at Risk School at the YWAM base in the Netherlands), we concluded a week of lectures on methods of effective project planning and began making plans for our outreach in South Africa. The following Monday, the YWAM base had to make the difficult decision to cancel the rest of the school, including the outreach, and send the students home as the ripple effects of the Coronavirus became increasingly unstable and widespread. In a whirlwind, I found myself packing my bags, hugging my fellow students goodbye, and flying back to the country I hadn't expected to return to before the end of the year at the earliest. 

many send offs; packed bags lining the hallway ; and a classroom empty too early

We all have our stories, and increasingly more and more of them, of how our daily lives and the world around us feels like it's been lifted off its axis, suspending us and our lives in the mid-air of uncertainty.

But my friends, let's remind ourselves that our stability is not in our certainty! When we had lectures on the very difficult topic of human trafficking, our lecturer, despite the huge amount of information to cover, refused to even begin to enter into it before she had thoroughly convinced us of the importance of the believing that no matter what hard realities we face, what horrific circumstances we encounter, what injustices we are forced to look at, God is still good and we can still trust Him!
many wonderful memories together, both in and out of the classroom

Listen to the words of Psalm 4:6-8 in the light of our current situation:

Many are saying,
"Who can show us anything good?" (what good can come out of Corona?)
Look on us with favor, Lord.
You have put more joy in my heart
Than they have when their grain and new wine abound.
I will lie down and sleep in peace,
For You, alone, Lord, make me live in safety.

Just like the rest of the world, I don't know what the coming weeks and months will hold, but I so firmly believe that God has extended an invitation to know Him in a whole new way. To watch Him show up in a new way in our lives, to show how He is the richest certainty and stability, that He is still good, that we can still trust Him, that He can bring beauty from ashes and give us a song to sing even in the darkness.

the picture to the far right is a traditional Indonesian meal we ate together on the floor with our hands. It was awesome!

Since arriving back in the States, I'm at home in quarantine for two weeks. During this, I want to really seek God for what He might want to do with my time here, however long or short that will be. I also want to spend time praying for you, and would be very happy if you want to send me specific prayer needs (I'm serious, I want to pray for you! 🙂).

Be blessed, my friends! Our God stands so much stronger than the effects of Corona ever could!

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ~ John 1:5

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Numbering the Days ~ 1 March