Changing SeasonsHappy October! I recently stood looking out over a sea of bright autumn colors in a favorite spot here in Bulgaria. Standing silently, surreally, in awe of the bright, colorful beauty, I couldn't help but echo Lucy Maud Montgomery's quote, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers!" Her words ring truer every year. Depending on where you are in the world, I know the October "flavor" varies a bit. For my North Carolinian friends and family, my memory - and a glance at the week's forecast - reminds me that summer temperatures fight hard against the cooler days arriving. For my friends in Ukraine, I'm starting to wonder how many more weeks until the first snow will make its appearance. But here in Bulgaria, the temperature wanes refreshingly cool, the bright tree leaves sing the song of changing seasons, and I am reminded of the seasons that have changed and are changing. 
Nearly three seasons have elapsed since my last update back in March. There I told the tales of my discipleship training school with YWAM in Ukraine and Turkey. And since that time three physical and symbolic seasons have come. Spring held the season of returning home from DTS. It quickly filled with family catch-up time and a transfer to Bethany Global University to pursue a degree in Intercultural Studies and Bible/Theology. Between getting lost in studying, a part time job and family time, the spring days passed quickly and happily.
The second season, summer, came with an unexpected and exciting opportunity to spend 6 weeks in California with YWAM's School of Intercessory Prayer (or SOIP). This opportunity felt like a catalyst, preparing me to launch from one season to the next as I learned how to organize and facilitate intercession times and continue growing at a heart level. I grew in my authority and confidence as a believer, experienced more of the heart of the Father, and practiced walking more in-step with the Holy Spirit. Beyond that, the YWAM Yosemite community is made up of truly phenomenal people, and it was a privilege to enjoy life around them for the summer. Shout out to the YWAM Yosemite faves! 
Finally, the closing weeks of summer arrived and the moment I had been looking forward to since winter 2020 came. After 581 days away (and yes, they were counted), I returned to the "dream land" - Bulgaria. After being away for a year and a half, I wondered how I would experience the return back. However, from the moment I arrived, it was as though I had never left. I was back in the country I loved as though I had never been gone. And these days have been sweet.

One of my best friends from the YWAM school in the Netherlands, Marielle, flew in to join me, bringing her fun and adventurous personality, along with the answer to prayer to have someone to work closely alongside of.
Mini DTS
Marielle and I were on staff with YWAM Bulgaria working with a small team to re-pioneer Discipleship Training Schools in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, the 6 month school was postponed due to COVID, but a week long Mini DTS course was still held. This week was a total treasure, as young believers from Bulgaria gathered to worship, intercede, enjoy fellowship together and have lectures from amazing YWAM speakers about the Father Heart of God and Living as a Missionary Interculturally. I was impressed more than I can say with these young believers. The leadership, talent, and gifts overflowing out of each one of them inspired and challenged me as I sought to challenge and inspire them.  
Other Highlights
In the weeks and months following mini DTS, there have been many happy reunions, a national church conference, travel to various Bulgarian cities, and, finally, a sense of routine and rhythm as the school year began and English classes, Bible studies, Alpha course and a teen group began with the church in Svishtov.
Along with life in Svishtov, we've loved the chance to spend about half of recent weeks in Shumen, a town about 3 hours away from Svishtov, with Debbie and Brenton Driscoll. All in all, these Bulgarian days are full and treasured.

Without being able to get a visa (thanks again, covid), my days here are slowly coming to a close. Next month I'll be flying back to the American world to jump back in studying and be "home for the holidays" for the first time in a while. Seasons change, but there's great beauty in each of them. Happy Autumn, all - enjoy the season!

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