Friday, May 4, 2012

In His Hands

We are still waiting and waiting and waiting for a referral, and the waiting. is. hard.  It isn't that hard not hearing anything for Brandon and David I think, but that is totally normal. For me, the waiting is a whole other story, (my Mom will tell you if you don't believe me!) I think and pray about it all the time.  We wait, and wait and wait, and it is hard!  But then I remind myself that we will get a referral at God's perfect time and that he has this in His hands.  He was with us when we were referred Chance and Benjamin, he was with us when started setting up rooms and buying clothes for them.  He was with us when we lost Chance and Benjamin, and He is with us now.  
   And when we do have our precious child(ren) home, they are home forever and ever!! 

will you please pray for our family, it means so much to know that people are praying for us and our kids.


Michlyn said...

How long did you wait for a referral for Chance and Benjamin?

Trust me, I'm sure it is hard. Usually a normal waiting time is 3-12 months. We got our's in 6 months. Although those days are hard, the day you get it is incredible. I can't imagine losing who I thought were my siblings.

Praying for you & your family!


Kelly said...

Sweet Brittany--I just adore your heart and your trust in the Lord. He is faithful. I can't wait to see who He is preparing to bring into your most wonderful family! I love you.

The Mac Fam said...

Girl, you are amazing and I will continue to pray with your family for God's best. Timing is everything but I know you know that. Keep hanging in there. Love you girl!

running4him said...

Praying 4 yaaaa!!!

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March