"Bitty, Bitty, look!" I heard as I walked in the front door.
"Bethany, I can't believe it!" I replied.
My hair really awesome!"
I couldn't agree more, little sister.
Your hair is beautiful!
Your hair is wonderful and unique and perfectly designed for you.
Your hair is "awesome!"
Bethany got her hair done professionally for the first time this Wednesday!
I wasn't there, but from what my mom tells me, she did great!
I have to admit, I was pretty nervous that she would freak out.
She gets tired of us messing with her hair, so I didn't know how she would react with a stranger working on her hair for a while.
But she did awesome, and her hair is, well, "really awesome!"
the following pictures are taken by my mom with her phone:
And then at home:
Isn't it gorgeous?!
As Bethany's sister, I love that she loves her hair.
I know the time will come when she will wonder why our hair is different from hers, and why her hair require a little extra effort.
My and my mom's hair has a fine texture, and we don't have to do a lot of work to it.
Bethany's hair, though, we try to condition and moisturize every day.
She's a the point now where she doesn't hate us doing that, but she does get tired of it pretty quickly.
We knew the time had come when we should have her hair done.
And it is so. very. beautiful!