Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bethany Quote 4

One day after lunch, Brandon was sitting on the back of a chair - a place that wasn't meant for sitting. 
"Mommy, look!" Bethany said, pointing.
"I see," Mom said, "Brandon's sitting on the back of the chair, just like he's not supposed to."
Bethany ran to the chair and climbed up.
"Mommy!" she said, "me too!"

1 comment:

Gandy said...

I am so happy to be back in your loop....need to spend computer time with all of you young, smart ones at the beach so I will finally understand more about my reading about your life with siblings! You and I are both the oldest in our families...naturally I think that is the best place to be because we can see our siblings growing older and, so do we as we live and learn. I love you...

Numbering the Days ~ 1 March